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S18 Calcium and Magnesium



S18 Important of Calcium and Magnesium

Many people have insomnia, which affect a variety of scopes, including spirit, mood, memory and physical health at all levels! Minerals calcium and magnesium are used to stabilize nerves and relieve fatigue;

Meanwhile, they also can improve insomnia. Adding enough calcium and magnesium can support kidnes in balance of acidic waste and they are significant functions to maintain renal function, which can not be ignored.

Seriousness of Shortage of Calcium and Magnesium

Remaining free calcium may also combine the Oxalic acid in dietary to become oxalate stones, Therefore, the lack of calcium and magnesium will lead to acidic-related chronic diseases, such as fatigue, tired, pain, bad breath, gout, urinary tract infections, arthritis, nasal allergies, asthma, headaches, osteoporosis, cramps, low immunity, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, and often accompanied by anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia and other conditions. The main function of calcium is to strengthen conduction sensor of the nervous system. It can stabilize emotion, soothe anxiety and improve insomnia. Magnesium provides the biochemical metabolism of the human body.

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